Thursday, February 17, 2005

The Pentagon Strike...

Hi there, I am back.

I strongly advise anybody trying to get to the bottom of 911 attacks to view the Pentagon Strike Flash Presentation, if he or she has not done it yet.

In previous post I was trying to draw my readers' attention to the mess within the 911 Truth Movement. Today, I plan to do the same with the Pentagon Strike, based on above mentioned presentation.

My estimations as to how many people in the world actually saw this curious presentation range from 200 to 300 million people worldwide. In other words between 3,5 and 5 % of world's population. This is just a wild guess, based my alternative sources.

Now, the reason I like this presentation is that it brings together facts and a good piece of detective work on behalf of the creator. It also uses the visual evidence which the Powers That Be are trying to hide as much as they can.

There are some essential aspects of the Pentagon attack that need to be answered. One of them is the location of impact. Whatever hit the Pentagon, it has targeted the area generally used by the Navy, or to be more precise the Office of Naval Intelligence. I can't help but wonder if that was by design. Defense Department is not really in full control of the Navy, which maintains its relative independence. I guess some folks in the Pentagon do not like it too much and here we may actually have a motive to strike this section of the building as well as of the military.

The Office of Naval Intelligence is older than most of the post-war US agencies and thus enjoys relative respect and independence. It flies below the radar, so to say. The war centered plans of the Pentagon are not necessarily supported by the Navy and Rummy must really struggle to get those guys on his side. I would like to mention that the Philadelphia Experiment was carried out by the Navy and I would imagine that the Navy learned a lot from it, thus becoming even stronger force in the US military.

Anyhow, I just wonder why this particular section of the Pentagon building was hit and assuming it happened for a reason, what reason is that? Could it actually point to the real perpetrators of the 911 event? Could be.

Enjoy the presentation...


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